2022 Grand Prix Espoo Women's Short Program | Page 15 | Golden Skate

2022 Grand Prix Espoo Women's Short Program


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
That doesn't disprove what I said.
the arms help her reach higher and rotate better. But in the end, arms or no arms, what matters is height,rotation, flow and ease. I dislike arms on every jump... but at this point, skaters who do it know that it's no longer a feature... so they do it to get better aerodynamics.. Cannot fault them when it works.. and in Loena's case, the arms are well used... not like some skaters who did the bend arm over the head which looked ugly just to get a feature a few years back.


Final Flight
Jun 5, 2008
39.48 vs 39.6 If the arms didn't give her a tech boost she wouldn't do them!!
It used to be a bullet for GOE, but it isn't anymore. For most skaters it's just a technique.
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Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2011
Loena and Mai were both great, however I wish they would have given the edge in PCS to Mai.

Also is it just me or did they lowball Bradie?


Record Breaker
Aug 17, 2003
Loena and Mai were both great, however I wish they would have given the edge in PCS to Mai.

Also is it just me or did they lowball Bradie?
Bradie was underscored in PCS because she skated first (it still matters) and hasn't regained her reputation yet, coming back from an injury. Compared to her last competition, this was a big step forward.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
Bradie was underscored in PCS because she skated first (it still matters) and hasn't regained her reputation yet, coming back from an injury. Compared to her last competition, this was a big step forward.
She lost points mostly on her jumps though... Her PCS is matching Rika's... her lower BV is really what did her in.


Jan 19, 2021
Some things I've noticed about top 2 skaters' PCS: while Loena looks like she should be getting a lot of ice coverage with her speed and power, her SP (by poor design I supposed) stays very much in center ice, she doesn't get reach the ends of the rink any more than Mai does.
Loena also baffles me a bit in the first half of the program, I get that she's concentrating on the jumps, but she has moments where she stops to dance a bit and I don't understand why she can't muster some facial expressions. It's quite glaring.
Both Loena and Mai are do the absolute bare minimum of footwork throughout their SPs compared to the rest of the medalists, Rinka is doing nearly double the amount of difficult turns that Mai is. Both M and L would barely be getting 7s from me in SSs.


All Hail Queen Gracie
Record Breaker
Mar 14, 2007
Bradie was underscored in PCS because she skated first (it still matters) and hasn't regained her reputation yet, coming back from an injury. Compared to her last competition, this was a big step forward.
Exactly what I was going to say.

Also, she looks completely different to me. I don't know if it's the dark purple lipstick or what.

This being the ladies, I have few thoughts. They skated, I watched it, I was pleased Bradie went clean, and what is wrong with Eva Lotta? Is she ok? She just kind of gave up on the whole performance, not finishing her movements.