Would You Rather... | Page 51 | Golden Skate

Would You Rather...

Diana Delafield

Frequent flyer
Oct 22, 2022
Local 100% I don’t like this kind of gathering (people we knew gave us a wedding party since we didn’t even bother having one when we married 😂) , would do my best to avoid going to even a local one, but would tolerate depending on who it was but travel to it? No.

It’s your birthday! Would you rather have a big party with a lot of people or spend the day going and doing many fun things with your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend?
Spend the day with my family in my own home (as long as they do all the housework involved :))

Would you rather do your own workout routine or have a personal trainer?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
I have a personal trainer… and I also do some exercises on my own, even though now I’ve been stuck at home/bed for 2 days already with horrible conjunctivitis putting eye medication the ophthalmologist prescribed every 30 minutes and feeling like knives on my eyes so no personal training, no exercise , skating practices canceled and my coach is worried messaging me ☹️👁️👎

Would you rather go on holiday and visit many locations every day or spend time on a single location for the duration of the holiday?


Record Breaker
Mar 5, 2004
A little above the knee for the warmer months, a little below the knee for the colder months

WYR snow ski or go snow boarding?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
I only do short skirts or dresses in summer or winter, I look ugly with anything longer 😂

My husband is a skier so during ski season I join him sometimes and we go stay a few days in one of the many gorgeous ski locations around the Japanese alps once or twice a month during the season (he goes alone to practice two or three times a week). He practices very seriously, does freestyle skiing (with the jumps, boxes, pipes, rails etc) and goes to the highest steepest points but I do only for fun, I’m not very good, just go forward and parallel turn and am terrified of steep terrain. Not interested in snowboarding, at least around here the snowboarders are always obnoxious teenagers or very young adults and quite often cause collisions and other accidents. If possible I do prefer going to locations where snowboarding is prohibited, only skiing allowed.

Your birthday is coming soon! Would you rather that your husband asks where you want to go and do in your special day or would you accept not knowing and wait to see what he plans?

Diana Delafield

Frequent flyer
Oct 22, 2022
I only do short skirts or dresses in summer or winter, I look ugly with anything longer 😂

My husband is a skier so during ski season I join him sometimes and we go stay a few days in one of the many gorgeous ski locations around the Japanese alps once or twice a month during the season (he goes alone to practice two or three times a week). He practices very seriously, does freestyle skiing (with the jumps, boxes, pipes, rails etc) and goes to the highest steepest points but I do only for fun, I’m not very good, just go forward and parallel turn and am terrified of steep terrain. Not interested in snowboarding, at least around here the snowboarders are always obnoxious teenagers or very young adults and quite often cause collisions and other accidents. If possible I do prefer going to locations where snowboarding is prohibited, only skiing allowed.

Your birthday is coming soon! Would you rather that your husband asks where you want to go and do in your special day or would you accept not knowing and wait to see what he plans?
I dislike secrets and surprises, good or bad. Anyone who knows me that well knows they have to tell me in advance what they're planning.

If you're asked to teach in a private school, would you prefer an all-boys school or all-girls?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
100%! I also hate secrets and surprises and my husband knows it, since he feels the same. We plan where we’re going with lots of time in advance for our birthdays.

All girls I think.

Would you rather receive money/gift card or an specific object as a gift?


Record Breaker
Apr 23, 2018
100%! I also hate secrets and surprises and my husband knows it, since he feels the same. We plan where we’re going with lots of time in advance for our birthdays.

All girls I think.

Would you rather receive money/gift card or an specific object as a gift?
Depends on who is giving it, for my nearest and dearest a gift because it is still the thought that counts (even if they get it wrong!) but for more distant/employment etc, money is good.

Do you prefer hot coffee or iced?

Diana Delafield

Frequent flyer
Oct 22, 2022
Depends on who is giving it, for my nearest and dearest a gift because it is still the thought that counts (even if they get it wrong!) but for more distant/employment etc, money is good.

Do you prefer hot coffee or iced?
Before I developed an allergy to coffee, I always drank it hot.

Would you rather see a live performance of a Broadway musical or a filmed version?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
To drink at home from when I wake up to when I go to sleep, ice coffee. At the rink I drink it hot from the vending machine. Coffee is my fuel, always welcome hot or cold 😋

@Diana Delafield question still on (I can’t answer that, I hate musicals in all forms)
“Would you rather see a live performance of a Broadway musical or a filmed version?”


Record Breaker
Mar 5, 2004
Live, if possible, otherwise I'm good with a filmed performance

WYR subscribe to the orchestra or the theater?