2017 Autumn Classic Intl SD | Page 3 | Golden Skate

2017 Autumn Classic Intl SD


Feb 6, 2014
I don't like V/M's SD as of right now, but I think they of all teams can definitely make it work and maybe I'll end up loving it later on in the season. I do think they hit it out of the ballpark with those costumes though.

I watched the SD at the Autumn Classic last year and wasn't sure I liked the Prince routine but it grew on me through the season and I ended up loving it. The one thing that bugs me is the musical transition from the Rolling Stones to the Eagles. It just doesn't seem like a smooth transition of melody. But I guess we'll have an idea of what the judges think after the SD. I do love the step sequence in the Hotel California section. I think that's my favourite part.


Feb 6, 2014
V/M SD – Practice Clips – Guys. I AM a Virtue/Moir uber and I do not like the program. I find the music in the first section very confusing and odd. Am I crazy or is it just a random latin beat on top of rock music? I'm not convinced. I REALLY hope that it feels different when it's skated full out this evening, and as the season progresses! I don't love the lift at the end, and I think if they're going to recycle a lift, I'd rather them use the Hip-Hip FD lift. This rotational one seems clunky.

I know what you mean, but that's actually how the song goes. The random latin beat on top of the rock music is the actual song even though it definitely sounds kind of like they added it. I'm thinking that once we see it in it's entirety, skated full out, we all might be able to 'get it'. I have a love/hate with watching practices.. I love getting to see it, but I hate that they don't skate the whole program lol.


Record Breaker
Nov 30, 2016
Very basic description: Tessa has a black dress, high neck, similar cut to the FD practice one she wore yesterday, with a lot of quite big golden rhinestones. She looks awesome. Scott has black pants, metallic dark gray top with cutouts on the upper chest area (sparkly trimmed), and a deep V. I'm not in love with these costumes, but they work very well with the program

If you want pictures

OMG Scott has an actual interesting costume. I was totally expecting him to be in just black. I love this.


Record Breaker
Oct 13, 2009
Anyone who like or love W/P costumes it is better they enjoy it while it last. I am sure it is the last time they will be wearing them. I kind of understand the concept, I think I have watched old latin movies with women wearing similar costumes, but it is only an disadvantage for them when all the other teams are trying look sexy and showing skin.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
Anyone who like or love W/P costumes it is better they enjoy it while it last. I am sure it is the last time they will be wearing them. I kind of understand the concept, I think I have watched old latin movies with women wearing similar costumes, but it is only an disadvantage for them when all the other teams are trying look sexy and showing skin.

ok,,, noted.. i love the costumes... so i will enjoy them while they last ;)


Constant state
Record Breaker
Jan 10, 2017
I take back my early love for Tessa's SD dress. It looked all black with gold highlights from the poor lighting of the practice feed. Now that I see proper pictures... it has animal print. Semi-transparent. Over a black bra. It's... not what I thought it was so I take it back! I don't love it anymore. :(


GS given name - Beatrice
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2012
just watched SD run-throughs...

I'm totally sold on Piper and Paul already - they truly have a rare ability to own the music, the theme, the convention and to make it all blend together and pop simultaneously along with their skating. The lovely bounce is there for the whole dance, the rhythmicality, nice isolations/control of movement, all elements incredibly with music. And as always with he - total devotion, conviction and dedication towards whole picture to be created: from costumes, through way of movement to expression. Sassy Piper is my kind of Piper!:cheer:

As for Tessa and Scott - well, this will be a polarizing piece for no tomorrow...But trashed or hailed - damn, but Tessa is a ****** performance animal, no other female in Ice Dance like her, period. The stance, the lines, the attitude, body action, confidence in carriage - she could sell this number alone. But I have to say that I'm in love with Scott's costume - totally going right with gold in Tessa's one, cohesive in metalics theme. The non-touch sequence - wow, just wow.
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Apr 23, 2014
I really like this program for Piper and Paul. I feared something campy, but it's actually very well thought