2022-23 Russian Men's Figure Skating | Page 9 | Golden Skate

2022-23 Russian Men's Figure Skating

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Flying Feijoa

On the Ice
Sep 22, 2019
Oh, how I miss the Russian men. I have been a giant Kolyada fan and now know I’ll never see him skate. I’m also a big Shoma fan, so that is satisfying after rooting for him for so long. But I’m looking at the Grand Prix and dreaming about going to Skate America or Skate Canada (w/ Shoma) and I realize I’ll never see some of my faves together on the world stage.

Also, I gotta admit, I also kinda like splat fests, and Russian men always provided that in spades. But there was always HOPE that someone was going to finally put it together. I see Kolyada still not putting together two clean programs, but he’s got the drop-and-roll down so well as to minimize the interruption.
I know what you mean! Not that I like splats, but the suspense is exciting. It makes those clean programmes even more special.

I also like following comeback stories, which aren't guaranteed but generally have more chance of happening in some form with the Russian guys than the girls. Regardless of how they placed, it was nice to see Daniil Samsonov and Artur Danielian smiling and looking happy to be back after their free programmes at Panin Memorial (and lovely crowd cheering for them too).


On the Ice
Aug 23, 2019
Congratulations to Arsenyi Fedotov on a great clean skating and a victory in the Junior Grand Prix 1st Stage with total score 269.83 :clap::party2::cheer:

SP 85.72

FS 184.11


Record Breaker
May 27, 2021
Interview with the medalists of the first RGP

Trankov: Dear friends, Dmitri Aliev is the winner of the Russian Grand Prix 2022. And we are waiting for the friend, the companion, the bronze medalist of the men's event, Alexander Samarin. Dima, I want to congratulate you again. Let's congratulate Dima Aliev on his victory! Thank you, friends. Dima, have you expected it? I saw that you fought. But have you expected it?

Aliev: I haven't thought about it. As for the fight, I fought. Today was a very strange day for me. I had strange emotions. And I thought, 'What is going to happen?' As it turns out, I am fresh and lively today, and ready to fight. I like it. Thank you to the viewers, the audience, thank you Max, thank you to everything going on around my life.

Trankov: Sasha, when you were leaving, I got the impression that you were upset with your skate. But you still managed to get on the podium. Tell us if you are happy with the result of the competition, not the skate.

Samarin: I was picking out a rabbit's foot. Well I can say that if yesterday my head was working, today it was off in the second half. Of course, I was disappointed about it. Because I messed up the combos. Above all, thank you to every viewer for supporting us, for keeping us going and not stopping. Thank you all very much.

Trankov: You had two great reactions after your free skates. One of you kissed the ice and that is quite common, I did that once myself. And Alexander... what did you show with your grimaces after the skate?

Alexander: Well I did the ending pose and realised I had miscalculated. And in fact this grimace is the summary of the program. So I will use my head for the free program as well.

Trankov: Did you follow your friend Dmitri's performance?

Samarin: No. Honestly, I was thinking about the third combo. And I didn't kiss the ice to avoid sticking.

Aliev: Sasha told me yesterday how much he was freezing in his room, so he decided not to kiss the ice.

Trankov: You should have invited someone to warm you up, or used a second blanket.

Samarin: They don't allow to go on the ice and it is quite far from the stands.

Trankov: You guys are absolutely great, you are the champions today. I think you will have dinner together, spend some time, discuss your skating and what to do next. And please tell the fans where we will see you next time.

Aliev: I have the third stage of the Russian Grand Prix in Kazan. You will be able to see me there.

Samarin: And you will see me on stage in Samara. So come, cheer, support.

Trankov: The city isn't strange to Samarin.

Samarin: Well, at least, it sounds similar. Come there. I think the combos will be fine there. Love you all, thank you... subscribe to me.

Trankov: Come to the ice palaces where Russian Grand Prix 2022 will take place. Let's congratulate our wonderful men once again. This competition is over. Stay tuned for the awards ceremony... But it turns out there is also a silver medalist, Gleb Lutfullin. Gleb, what are you feeling now? You are sitting between two veterans. You have beaten Mikhail Kolyada himself, your groupmate. Share you emotions.

Lutfullin: As the great person said, 'beaten but not surpassed'. As for the fact that I am sitting between two great athletes... well, I will be reaching their level and working to become national champion and european champion.

Trankov: When you finished your free skate, did you have a feeling that you were one step away from the podium?

Lutfullin: I don't look at a place. I look at my skate. And it wasn't completely successful. I have to improve the second half and do everything cleaner.

Trankov: Today you went for a quad Loop. You were the only one to perform it today. Two other quads were a Toe Loop and a Salchow, right? Do you plan to make your programs more difficult and show another quad, maybe at the end of the season?

Lutfullin: Of course I want to. I have to work. And maybe there will be something at the end of the season, the Lutz or the Flip.

Trankov: Dima, Sasha, even though I have said goodbye to you already, Gleb intervened, so here is a question. Do you feel that the younger generation is stepping on your heels (means that someone is catching up with someone else on something)?

Aliev: Sasha, this question is probably for you... No, no! This is not what I mean. He is just older than me, so he should answer first.

Samarin: Today he stood on my toes. He can't stand on my heels - he is ahead of me.

Trankov: And Dmitri said what he said. Let's let the guys go on this cheerful note after all, they need to get ready for the awards ceremony.

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Record Breaker
Feb 19, 2021



Record Breaker
May 27, 2021

I hope the Fed will solve this situation.
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Record Breaker
May 27, 2021
I hope the Fed will solve this situation.
That was fast.


Record Breaker
May 27, 2021
The document referred to by the media is dated September 14. Artur has already performed after that.


On the Ice
Jan 11, 2014
Does anyone know if Mikhail Kolyada is injured? I finally watched the free to figure out what the heck happened after seeing placements in final. He was kind of grabbing his thigh. I don’t think we’re necessarily going to get a straight answer but has anyone seen anything in Russian press—that isn’t negative. I am seriously worried.


Record Breaker
May 27, 2021
Does anyone know if Mikhail Kolyada is injured? I finally watched the free to figure out what the heck happened after seeing placements in final. He was kind of grabbing his thigh. I don’t think we’re necessarily going to get a straight answer but has anyone seen anything in Russian press—that isn’t negative. I am seriously worried.
Misha denies health problems, but he didn't look healthy both days. It was absolutely clear live, especially during the warm-ups. I suspect that if it's not an injury, it could be covid, for example. The mistakes were unusual for him.


May Rika spin her hair into GOLD….in 2026.
Final Flight
Mar 21, 2018
Does anyone know if Mikhail Kolyada is injured? I finally watched the free to figure out what the heck happened after seeing placements in final. He was kind of grabbing his thigh. I don’t think we’re necessarily going to get a straight answer but has anyone seen anything in Russian press—that isn’t negative. I am seriously worried.
I forced myself to watch the men’s free skates on Monday. I knew something bad must’ve went down because of the picture of the medalists posted in the competition thread and Kolyada wasn’t in it.

I’ve been following Kolyada since 2015 and I’ve seen him bomb many a time, but that was the worst he’s skated since he joined Mishin. It didn’t seem as if he was imploding because of a mental block and he didn’t give up, which is something he did in the past. I’m quite sure he’s injured. It took him a very long time to leave the ice and, to me, it looked as if he was trying to hide being in pain.

Now I’m worried about Nationals.


On the Ice
Jan 11, 2014
I forced myself to watch the men’s free skates on Monday. I knew something bad must’ve went down because of the picture of the medalists posted in the competition thread and Kolyada wasn’t in it.

I’ve been following Kolyada since 2015 and I’ve seen him bomb many a time, but that was the worst he’s skated since he joined Mishin. It didn’t seem as if he was imploding because of a mental block and he didn’t give up, which is something he did in the past. I’m quite sure he’s injured. It took him a very long time to leave

Now I’m worried about Nationals.
I forced myself to watch the men’s free skates on Monday. I knew something bad must’ve went down because of the picture of the medalists posted in the competition thread and Kolyada wasn’t in it.

I’ve been following Kolyada since 2015 and I’ve seen him bomb many a time, but that was the worst he’s skated since he joined Mishin.

Now I’m worried about Nationals.
Same on all accounts, including forcing myself to watch and following him since 2015. As a stan, I need to be honest. So many talk about his perfect-technique quad lutz but he only landed it once. I don’t think we’ve seen two clean programs, maybe two with no falls and no turnouts on axel, but not two with every quad not tripled and every intended triple not doubled. I’ve learned a lot on this forum about technique that had to be corrected under Mishin and the disaster at Olys and how that sunk him.

Just looking for the holy grail that is two flawless routines with two different quads in long. I’m doubting whether we’ll ever get that.

It is painful to look at his happiness at Cup of China with the optimism of the future. He has not smiled like that since. He’s so hard on himself. Don’t want to seem like an entitled fan, but I wanted the world to see his beautiful White Crow program at Worlds in 2021 and then the Olympics disaster. (Could that REALLY have been only this past February?!?? It seems like three years ago.)

I hope the Russian press isn’t beating up on him too much. It’s open season on college and pro athletes in the U.S. and people AND press can be positively cruel, but that’s spread out over many teams, there is home team tribalism, and they are making big bucks. I can’t think of an individual sport here where so much pressure is put on one athlete. Maybe boxing back in the day. And that prize money was insane.

Anyway, I have had been fans of many skaters who didn’t end their skating careers quite in the way they wished but have gone on to coaching and choreography and shows and so forth. I just wish he weren’t so reserved and internalize everything. It amplifies his pain and our pain for him. Jason Brown is beloved and fans are willing to accept after 10 years he hasn’t landed a quad (maybe once or twice), lol, but he’s such a positive and outgoing personality. Complete opposite.

Meanwhile I’ll be waiting for a male Russian skater to both take my breath away with beauty AND consistency.

I still love the Russian style of skating. I know it’s not popular to say these days, but pairs in particular suffers without them. Nothing like that Russian posture and carriage and extension. I swear it’s in the physiology—not hours of early childhood ballet lessons. I’ve mentioned before, my son is from Russia and his posture is immaculate, even living a relatively sedentary American lifestyle. It amazes me.
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