Are y-spins easier than y-spirals? | Golden Skate

Are y-spins easier than y-spirals?


Aug 29, 2021
Just out of curiosity, are y-spins easier than y-spirals? Since I oftentimes see other skaters performing y-spins, but rarely see other skaters doing y-spirals, or only hold them for a fraction of a second instead of holding the position longer as they do in the spins.


On the Ice
Oct 25, 2023
You have to be able to do a y-scale spiral to be able to spin it. I can do a y-scale spiral and have one in my freeskate program, but I still choose not to do it frequently, even when I have to "show off." It takes longer for me to get into than any other catch foot spiral, it doesn't seem to go with as many types of music as other spirals do (it's a lot less "flowy" unless you go from it through a ronde de jambe en l'air to another spiral, which is harder than just doing the y scale), and the high center of gravity in it makes it harder to go into the next movement otherwise, after just kind of dropping your leg back down.

I can't spin it. Maybe someday. But not now. Spinning in that position would add extra difficulty level to the spin, which would increase the possible score from it, whereas just choosing to do a y scale spiral is an artistic choice that doesn't really (as far as I'm aware) earn you additional points.

So that's probably why you see it in spins more than otherwise.


On the Ice
Mar 25, 2019
Definitely not. Anyone with decent flexibility, balance and strength can do a y spiral, but spinning it is definitely harder. You need to have all those things plus a really strong backspin generally - people rarely do them from a forward spin, and I feel like that would be even harder again.

Diana Delafield

Frequent flyer
Oct 22, 2022
Just out of curiosity, are y-spins easier than y-spirals? Since I oftentimes see other skaters performing y-spins, but rarely see other skaters doing y-spirals, or only hold them for a fraction of a second instead of holding the position longer as they do in the spins.
I can do y-spirals easily, but then, like many skaters, gymnasts and dancers, I was born with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which gives you extra flexibility (and tends to make you choose sports that require this). The spirals are held only briefly because they don't garner many points and to hold one for the same length as a spin would waste precious time in a program.

I've never tried y-spins and never will because I think it's an ugly position. There are more esthetic ways to demonstrate flexibility and balance.


Oct 27, 2023
Y-spins are harder, many skaters who can execute y-spins can hold a quite decent y-spiral. But yeah although easier y-spirals are in fact kinda less common in competitions. One of the main factors is that spirals in general aren't given the same importance they used to in the past, and even when executed are held very briefly anyway. So now I would say going for y-spins more compared to y-spirals is more of a strategical decision now to score more.