Nagasu taking lessons with Mishin in CO | Page 12 | Golden Skate

Nagasu taking lessons with Mishin in CO

Jun 21, 2003
I´m not impressed with a skater as a person who says the above after a competition. It does not sound honest to me, it is more like words coming from a mouth of a PR-person or maybe a coach.

Personally, I have no quarrel with courteous and modest language. It is the oil that lubricates civil discourse. We just have to learn to filter what we hear.

Interviewer: So, how do you feel about falling on that triple Lutz and missing the podium?

Skater: I just want to skate and have fun. (™ Michelkle Kwan :) )

Translation: I feel the the same way you are going to feel when I shove my toepick up your nose.

Interviewer: Do you regard today's failure as an experience that you can learn from, or do you think you were robbed?

Skater: An experience that I can learn from.

Translation: I was robbed.


Record Breaker
Feb 17, 2010
Current US number one and two still have occasional bouts with nerves, Gold probably more than Wagner. Wagner has been around as long as Nagasu.

As far as results in the last several years, Gracie and Ashley are in a completely different universe than the other American ladies. There is no point comparing these two to the others.


Record Breaker
Jul 27, 2003
Personally, I have no quarrel with courteous and modest language. It is the oil that lubricates civil discourse. We just have to learn to filter what we hear.

Interviewer: So, how do you feel about falling on that triple Lutz and missing the podium?

Skater: I just want to skate and have fun. (™ Michelkle Kwan :) )

Translation: I feel the the same way you are going to feel when I shove my toepick up your nose.

Interviewer: Do you regard today's failure as an experience that you can learn from, or do you think you were robbed?

Skater: An experience that I can learn from.

Translation: I was robbed.

Mathman, that was fun, almost could not stop from laughing...., thanks so much!!!


Match Penalty
Jan 12, 2015
Personally, I have no quarrel with courteous and modest language. It is the oil that lubricates civil discourse. We just have to learn to filter what we hear.

Interviewer: So, how do you feel about falling on that triple Lutz and missing the podium?

Skater: I just want to skate and have fun. (™ Michelkle Kwan :) )

Translation: I feel the the same way you are going to feel when I shove my toepick up your nose.

Interviewer: Do you regard today's failure as an experience that you can learn from, or do you think you were robbed?

Skater: An experience that I can learn from.

Translation: I was robbed.

Most of interviews during sport events are pointless and as informative tbh.
"Why did you lost", "how do you feel about your defeat", "what went wrong" - those are athletes, not coaches or tacticians, their bodies, minds did their best just 5-10 minutes ago, they are disappointed, even maybe heartbroken - what's the point of interviewing them at such moments? Sport events are not display of physical excellence anymore, with media influence they became a reality show.

My "fav" question is the one asked to famous Polish Olympic champion runner, Irena Szewinska: "what were your thoughts during your gold medal race?" :rolleye:
"To run as fast as I can", she replied. :laugh:
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Apr 2, 2009
wow that is quite a definitive and harsh opinion. I don't get it.
Nobody thinks that she is gonna get a triple axel or miraculously begin to jump like Liza Tuktit. But people hope that whatever Mishin told her in their time together can help her improve. Or even if it doesn't, as people say, it can't harm her skating at this point.

Also the girl is 22. It is not that old even in skating age. She can still improve. Look at Kostner, Suzuki or even Sergei Voronov. They all blossomed pretty late in their career. It doesn't mean Mirai will, but it is possible.

She's most probably never going to medal at big competitions but well, most of the skaters participating never get to! It doesn't mean she can't put out good performances and maybe medal again at Nationals or at some GP etc.

I guess Mirai (or any athlete really) is very conscious of the other opportunities she misses or the pressure she puts on her body because she stubbornly keeps skating. If she continues to be a competitive skater, it is because she wants to.
I am not even a fan of Mirai but I admire her relentless dedication to the sport she loves


No, we don't - has anyone actually said this? And all this gloom & doom - because of said week of training with Mishin? All that wear & tear on her poor "aging body" (honestly, you'd think she had suffered as many injuries or was as old as Plushy himself!) in one week? I don't understand the excessive and energetic negativity, to be honest. If she hadn't trained with Mishin - she would have quitted skating? (shrug)

Personally, I'll go on thinking tha this might do her some good - and that, at worst, it won't make any difference. So, in other words, no harm.


I personally don't like eternal Negative Nellies which is why I just put them on Ignore. Bliss. :biggrin:

Why should she care what some random stranger on a skating forum thinks about what she wants to do with her life?


I am a little sad at this thread.

This pic was clearly intended by TomZ as showing warmth and support of Mirai, what on Earth is wrong with that! We don't know if Mirai even wanted the pic sent out, she did not send it, her coach did.

Not everything needs an academia level of analysis of the meaning behind it. Sometimes it is just a cute pic from her coach. I think it was just TomZ using social media to try to give Mirai a boost and encouragement, let's just leave it there and leave it as a cute pic. I for one am enjoying Mishin in these pics. As Chase Belmontes said his smile is infections.

I know TomZ is not everyone's favorite coach, but he clearly is very supportive of Mirai, and does seem to genuinely want to help her grow.

Well put!

She isn't "working with Mishin." He and some of his skaters (including Liza T.) traveled to Colorado Springs to train for a week. Mirai probably got one lesson or maybe just some pointers.

2 weeks ago
Getting the honor to work with Professor Mishin this week has been incredible. I've learned so much!!! He's so brilliant and passionate! His smile in this picture is also infectious. Thank you @coachtomz for organizing this amazing opportunity!!! #BestCoachInTheWorld #Bestweekever

The above instagram from Chase Belmontes, who flat out states he 'worked' with Mishin thanks to Tom Z 'organizing this amazing opportunity' seems to strongly suggest otherwise.

What a great story!! Love it!


“I solemnly swear I’m up to no good”
Record Breaker
Dec 29, 2013
My "fav" question is the one asked to famous Polish Olympic champion runner, Irena Szewinska: "what were your thoughts during your gold medal race?" :rolleye:
"To run as fast as I can", she replied. :laugh:



Record Breaker
Aug 17, 2003


I personally don't like eternal Negative Nellies which is why I just put them on Ignore. Bliss. :biggrin:


Well put!

2 weeks ago
Getting the honor to work with Professor Mishin this week has been incredible. I've learned so much!!! He's so brilliant and passionate! His smile in this picture is also infectious. Thank you @coachtomz for organizing this amazing opportunity!!! #BestCoachInTheWorld #Bestweekever

The above instagram from Chase Belmontes, who flat out states he 'worked' with Mishin thanks to Tom Z 'organizing this amazing opportunity' seems to strongly suggest otherwise.

What a great story!! Love it!

Worked with Mishin for a week or so is not the same as "working with Mishin," Tom Z is still her coach.


Record Breaker
Jan 10, 2014
From the article above.

Mirai Nagasu said she had never thought she would have the opportunity to work with Mishin.

"Mishin taught in a group environment, as opposed to the private one-on-one lessons that we are used to here in the U.S.," she said. "While he didn't radically change my technique, he provided a new perspective that helped me change the way I approach my technique. While I can't expose everything that I've learned, it'll suffice to say that it was an eye-opener and he left me a lot to work on."

Whatever it was, perhaps we'll see some changes from Mirai. I know there are plenty who say she can't improve, but I'll keep an open mind!


Record Breaker
Jul 31, 2014
apgold beat me too it.

Great quote right there that really sums things up nicely.

So many people seem to forget the gray in life.


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2012
The Inside Edge: Mishin takes over World Arena
Colorado Springs skaters enjoy tutelage of legendary Russian coach

Great article. I can easily imagine Mishin asking Chase Belmontes if he's smart or stupid. :laugh2:

similar story Fumie Suguri told it:

- Mishin is also a scientist. What do you think about his method?
- He makes a special effort to technical side. He is pretty logical. Everyday he gives the Sermon to his pupils. (Laugh)

- Please tell us how Mishin joked?
- I know many things. When the first time I met him, he said to me "You are walking a whole day the same place like an elephant in the jungle! That's whay you can't make a good job!!" (Laugh). And, he divided his students into two groups because there are too many skateres. He called two groups - "Ugly" and "Not ugly" (Laugh). I know much more about that. It's so funny.
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Apr 2, 2009
Worked with Mishin for a week or so is not the same as "working with Mishin," Tom Z is still her coach.

You may choose to interpret it as you like. :rolleye: And at no point did I nor anyone else here, afaik, say that Tom Z was no longer her coach. But that Nagasu worked with Mishin per Tom Z she certainly did - I don't care if it was for just one day, one week or a year. The point is she WAS 'working with Mishin' (verb) for however long the arrangement was. In a group environment per Mirai. I don't see your problem with this. At all.
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Record Breaker
Feb 17, 2010
Whatever it was, perhaps we'll see some changes from Mirai. I know there are plenty who say she can't improve, but I'll keep an open mind!

Mirai is very good; it isn't that she needs to improve as much as she just needs to compete better. If she skates like she does in practice and exhibitions she will be just fine. That is why I don't think anyone other than her coach can help, because that is who will put her in the right competitive mindset at the time when she skates her programs.


Record Breaker
Feb 17, 2010
Does she underrotate in practice? I want to know if the problem is technique or nerves. Or both.

Probably just nerves. She can fully rotate (and at times underrotate) all of the jumps. She gets the 3-3's ratified too. She can < jumps at the beginning and nail them at the end, so it probably isn't a fitness issue either.


On the Ice
Jun 30, 2013
Congrats to Mirai for her NHK assignment. Here's to hoping she does not have anything like the music issue problems she had when she was at NHK in 2013.