Russian Olympic Committee president Stanislav Pozdnyakov says.... | Golden Skate

Russian Olympic Committee president Stanislav Pozdnyakov says....


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2014
So how is he going to keep the gold when they haven't been handed out. He also can't stop them from changing the results
He's not going to.

But Russia can pretend that they won the Gold. There are monetary (and other) rewards that Russian athletes get if they win an Olympic gold medal. I wondered if the team medalists would get these rewards even if the team medal is stripped/not awarded/downgraded. They can ignore that and give the athletes the benefits anyway.

That actually wouldn't upset me. The skaters (except for KV) earned it.


Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
I think Russian Olympic Committee president Stanislav Pozdnyako should be focussing on more than one gold medal.

He needs to clean up Russian sport otherwise there'll probably be no more gold medals.

Because Russia will be banned, no ROC, no OAR nothing.

Get your house in order!


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
I think Russian Olympic Committee president Stanislav Pozdnyako should be focussing on more than one gold medal.

He needs to clean up Russian sport otherwise there'll probably be no more gold medals.

Because Russia will be banned, no ROC, no OAR nothing.

Get your house in order!

The IOC is soft and Russia knows it. This might be the tipping point but I’m not betting on it. No amount of name changing or minimum age raising will dissuade them from doping their athletes because in the end the medal for mother Russia supercedes any shame/ban/ahtlete’s life being ruined/etc.


Record Breaker
Nov 28, 2020
It doesn’t matter who will or won’t give the medals or get the medals back.

The scoreboard never lies. Russia did end up with the most points after everything was aggregated. For me, the issue ends there.


Jan 31, 2019
I’m glad the other athletes would get paid though and get the perks internally. It’s not their fault.


Final Flight
Sep 15, 2017
Let's be honest we can debate gold or not gold ... in the end RoC has won the team gold. We can say Kamila had tested positive almost two month before and shouldn't been able to participate ( but know one knew that .... so you can't penalize someone after a match because they used a player that before the match they didn't know that they couldn't use!!!) ..... but the truth is that even if they had remove kamila ... ana or sasha would have won in the women's event... SO even if they take off the ROC medal the other teams would have won in the "office" and not in the field.

And if USA really wanted to won the team event ... probably they should have use Nathan Chen in both segments and Alysa in the women's event .. they were the clear choices


Mar 22, 2004
The problem with the anti-doping infrastructure in sports is that it targets the small time operators (individual competitors who may not have a choice) and leaves the big players alone.
After the revelations about Sochi... Russia (and athletes who are Russian citizens) should have been prevented form attending in 2018, 2020 and 2022... that would get the attention of the Russian federation. As it was, they learned nothing except that all will be forgiven and they can still compete and be treated as heroes at home. Not a good message.
You want to stop doping then go for the big boys.


On the Ice
Feb 29, 2012
Let's be honest we can debate gold or not gold ... in the end RoC has won the team gold. We can say Kamila had tested positive almost two month before and shouldn't been able to participate ( but know one knew that .... so you can't penalize someone after a match because they used a player that before the match they didn't know that they couldn't use!!!) ..... but the truth is that even if they had remove kamila ... ana or sasha would have won in the women's event... SO even if they take off the ROC medal the other teams would have won in the "office" and not in the field.

And if USA really wanted to won the team event ... probably they should have use Nathan Chen in both segments and Alysa in the women's event .. they were the clear choices
Win by doping doesn't WIN!!!!!!!


Final Flight
Oct 9, 2011
He's not going to.

But Russia can pretend that they won the Gold. There are monetary (and other) rewards that Russian athletes get if they win an Olympic gold medal. I wondered if the team medalists would get these rewards even if the team medal is stripped/not awarded/downgraded. They can ignore that and give the athletes the benefits anyway.

That actually wouldn't upset me. The skaters (except for KV) earned it.
How do you know for sure the other skaters weren't also getting occasional endurance enhancing drugs but simply didn't get caught like KV?
On another separate point, BTW, I don't agree with the CAS decision on not letting the non-ROC teams not get their medal. Why can't they hand out cardboard medals like they do at the French Grand Prix event so they have a symbolic ceremony until the whole doping investigation is over then give everyone their real medals? What's wrong with a provisional Olympic Ceremony, just so the teams can have their Olympic moment? It's just a shame to have to have worked all of those years since childhood only to get your medal Fed Ex -d to you on a time delay because of the ensuing investigation. That does irreparable harm to people who have skated clean their entire career. Why couldn't they award the cardboard medals to just the 2nd and 3rd place teams without the provisional 1st place team present?
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