Top 5 favourites from NHK? | Golden Skate

Top 5 favourites from NHK?


Record Breaker
Jul 29, 2003
Mine, in no particular order, are:

1. Fournier-Beaudry/Sorensen skating brilliantly for the upset win in ice dance
2. Yelim Kim's SP
3. Junhwan Cha's FS
4. Shoma Uno's FS
5. Kaori Sakamoto's FS


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
1 Fournier-Beaudry Sørensen's win and emotional time in the KNC and during the anthem
2)Shoma's come back LP + the very nice quad flip in the SP
3) Conrad evolving. Trying to get better, learning. Some are late bloomers, and I see a bud now... Hope it produces a nice one later on !
4) Yelim Kim's soft yet powerful skating.
5) Brooke and Ben winning their first GP medal and the courage Brooke had to finish the program... I normally don't like to see skaters skate while injured but it seemed on the video that she didn't hit any bone but probably overstretched her shoulder... so in that sense, I think it was courageous and commendable to finish the program... it probably swelled up afterwards... which would explain why they were not at the gala.


Working on Costumes contest & REWATCHES
Record Breaker
Jan 3, 2007
1. Fournier-Beaudry/Sorensen skating brilliantly, love them and their style
2. Yelim Kim's SP - beauty and power, she wants this bad
3. Junhwan Cha's FS - charisma, style and gorgeous skating, that bauer
4. Shoma Uno's FS - classic elegance with impeccable style
5. Chock & Bates RD really coming into focus. I hummed Let's Dance all day while cleaning for Thanksgiving. Plus they were faster and just glowed even with the small mistakes


On the Ice
Feb 14, 2018
Shoma's FS sublime master of patience and elegance. The FS is the best of the best.
Sota's SP his 2nd great sp of the GP and he's going to the final!
Jun's FS give him all the points for that Ina Bauer, please. Besides that, his FS was loose, elegant and the jumps were there even if a couple of landings were iffy.
Kaori's forward thinking programs-quite a contrast to everyone else. She'll get there.
Miura Riku and Kihara Ryuichi FS- a little rougher than SA but so joyous.

HM: Yelim Kims sp. Lovely, interesting and well skated.


Jun 26, 2012
1. The pairs event. Short, true, but with a great climax. Loved the top 3.
2. Shoma's FS
3. Junhwan's FS with that beautiful Ina Bauer
4. Fournier-Beaudry/Soerensen RD and FD. Wonderful to watch.
5. Chock and Bates FD.