Would You Rather... | Page 46 | Golden Skate

Would You Rather...


Record Breaker
Mar 5, 2004
I don't have a pet, but if I did, I would probably want to take the pet with me (unless I could depend on someone very reliable to take care of it).

WYR go para-sailing or zip-lining?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
Yuki (the cat) stays home is we're gone up to 12 hours (a day travel). More than that, he goes to the cat hotel. I would consider taking him with me/us if it were a very extended travel, say, more than 1 month.

Would you rather receive money or an object as birthday gift?


Cats, bats & figure skating
On the Ice
Nov 5, 2023
WYR go para-sailing or zip-lining?
Both look pretty scary but if I had to choose, I would choose zip-lining 😆
Would you rather receive money or an object as birthday gift?
I think object because it shows that a person really put some effort into finding a suitable gift (at least I hope so).

If you were to go to Italy, would you rather eat only gelato or only pizza?


Record Breaker
Mar 5, 2004
Gelato, even though I like pizza, too!

WYR go cruising on an ocean liner or take a river cruise vacation?
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♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
Is it allowed to pass? I take a ferry to cross the river or ocean to arrive at point B or take a panoramic boat ride like the ones they have here on Tokyo Bay, but would never ever confine myself to a ship for days.

Would you rather skate at an exhibition for a big audience or at a competition you have a chance to win, but small audience?


Cats, bats & figure skating
On the Ice
Nov 5, 2023
Competition with a small audience would be more comfortable for sure!

Would you rather have a chance to meet a unicorn or a Loch Ness monster? (😆)

Diana Delafield

Frequent flyer
Oct 22, 2022
Competition with a small audience would be more comfortable for sure!

Would you rather have a chance to meet a unicorn or a Loch Ness monster? (😆)
I'd have to say the unicorn because my daughter and her family live on the shore of Loch Ness and she swears she's pointed Nessie out to me lots of times (a big humpy rock near the shore), I just need to get my eyes checked 🤓 .

Would you rather saunter down a street in a big city, wearing the latest designer outfit and being photographed, or lounge around home in your sloppiest, rattiest, most comfy old sweats?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
In my home wearing my pajamas. I only wear pajamas when I am home no matter what time of the day it is. I return home, pajamas on.

Would you rather be cold (maybe you forgot your locker key, don't have a jacket) or too hot (you forgot to take the jacket off and your coach won't let you stop) during skating practice?

Diana Delafield

Frequent flyer
Oct 22, 2022
In my home wearing my pajamas. I only wear pajamas when I am home no matter what time of the day it is. I return home, pajamas on.

Would you rather be cold (maybe you forgot your locker key, don't have a jacket) or too hot (you forgot to take the jacket off and your coach won't let you stop) during skating practice?
Too cold, definitely. It would make me work harder :party2:.

Would you rather eat your main meal a couple of hours before a competition, for energy, or have just a snack and eat a big meal afterwards to relax?


Cats, bats & figure skating
On the Ice
Nov 5, 2023
Snack and eat afterwards!

Would you rather buy your clothes at a store even it's tiring or order them from an online shop even if they might not fit?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
I tend to buy brands I'm familiar with and like the quality and know my sizes because once I bought them in person, at the store, so all the other times I can buy what I need online. Once in a great while I will risk and buy online something from a brand I never bought before and I fail everytime, have to buy again (especially from North America, I always forget their sizes run very big)

Would you rather spend the day with an empty stomach, then eat and go to sleep, or eat many times a day?


"There is always something to love."
Record Breaker
Apr 17, 2021
I tend to buy brands I'm familiar with and like the quality and know my sizes because once I bought them in person, at the store, so all the other times I can buy what I need online. Once in a great while I will risk and buy online something from a brand I never bought before and I fail everytime, have to buy again (especially from North America, I always forget their sizes run very big)

Would you rather spend the day with an empty stomach, then eat and go to sleep, or eat many times a day?
I'd rather eat many times a day, I love to snack. 😋

Would you rather see your favorite skater have the worst performance of their career or would you rather see your least favorite skater have the best performance of their career?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
I’m a once a day eater, maybe like some wild animal, I eat my dinner and dessert and it’s bedtime/sleep time for me. I need to sleep with a full stomach but I can’t move with it. In the morning I drink coffee and hydrate, and repeat through the day.

Favorite skater 100%, no matter what. I’ve watched her in person give a nearly perfect skate, had goosebumps. I’ve watched her on television have a bad skate, I cried too when she cried at the kiss and cry. She’s not active skating at the moment so I just watch my looooooong playlist of videos of hers.

Would you rather train with an angry coach, the type that looks angry just to see your face, rarely compliments you, but it’s always there for you no matter what, does everything to make you improve and when you finally skate the skill, gives you a compliment (and it’s like a kind mother off ice), or the cheerleading type of mega kind coach, won’t stop complimenting and massaging your ego?


Record Breaker
Mar 5, 2004
Train with an angry coach, I guess (as long as he/she is not abusive in language or physically)

WYR go mountain climbing or hang gliding?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
Me too, I don’t appreciate shallow compliments. Angry coach 100%,, just like mine 😂

I have no idea what a hand gliding is. I don’t particularly enjoy walks, even less if it involves going up hill, but I’ve gone by cable car 95% of the way, walked the rest and went to the top of Mount Takao here in Tokyo and the view from the top is beautiful. So I will choose the mountain.

Would you rather go to meet one friend and talk to him/her or go meet a group of friends and talk to all of them?


Gazing at a Glorious Great Lakes sunset
Record Breaker
Aug 12, 2014
One friend and one-on-one talk wins by a hair, but I also love a group dynamic

Would you rather have an hour with one favorite figure skater, or have an hour with five favorite figure skaters, to ask whatever?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
One hour with my favorite skater 100%. I don’t like interacting with more than 1 person at a time who I can give all my attention and get her/his attention. I will if necessary interact with groups, but I don’t like it.

Would you rather adopt a cat or adopt a dog?

Diana Delafield

Frequent flyer
Oct 22, 2022
One hour with my favorite skater 100%. I don’t like interacting with more than 1 person at a time who I can give all my attention and get her/his attention. I will if necessary interact with groups, but I don’t like it.

Would you rather adopt a cat or adopt a dog?
I've lived with cats all my life. I'm fond of other people's dogs, but I don't like going for walks outdoors.

Diana Delafield

Frequent flyer
Oct 22, 2022
do you have a question for us? :)
(Oops, sorry, hit Post too quickly)

Would you rather travel a long way to a country whose language you don't speak to see a skating competition, or attend one in your own city and stay in your own home?