Kana Muramoto & Daisuke Takahashi | Page 32 | Golden Skate

Kana Muramoto & Daisuke Takahashi


Gold for the Winter Prince!
Record Breaker
Jan 23, 2004
I am curious if Dai will go back to single skating or stay as an ice dance couple with Kana in ice shows, Dai can write his own
ticket he is that popular but I worry a little about Kana adjusting if they do in fact split completely. I have become very fond
of her these past few seasons.


On the Ice
Feb 14, 2018
I am curious if Dai will go back to single skating or stay as an ice dance couple with Kana in ice shows, Dai can write his own
ticket he is that popular but I worry a little about Kana adjusting if they do in fact split completely. I have become very fond
of her these past few seasons.
Interesting question whether Dai will return to singles or stay with ID. I just love Kana and who knows if she is ready to stop skating? It would be an awful lot to ask of Dai to do shows as a single and ID skater but I never thought I'd see him in ID so what do I know??


Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
Links to their press conference, which will be broadcasted live in a couple of minutes:



Final Flight
Apr 27, 2011
They just finished the Instagram live and it is archived. They (mainly Kana) spoke a little in English in the second half of the talk.
They will keep the account and update.

They said that he cried when he told her he was going to retire at a yakitori restraint in Florida. It must have been a very difficult decision for him.

While they look forward to performing free from the rules at ice shows, they also want to learn ice dance more, like they want to try all the pattern dances because Dai only experienced two of them. He wants to stay in shape and perform until he's 50.
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Gold for the Winter Prince!
Record Breaker
Jan 23, 2004
What did Kana say in English? The archived Insta only played for a few seconds for me and then it freezes.


Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
Rehearsals for Ice Explosion 2.0 are underway in Fukuoka:

Sumitada was added to the cast:

A short interview with David Shapiro - he sounds so sweet and excited about the opportunity to perform in Dai's show :):

It looks like he's going to take over Jason's part in Group no. 4 ("What a wonderful world"). I didn't know him before he was hired for Ice Explosion, but he is amazing. This is him performing Max Richter's "Mercy" - true contemporary dance on ice :love::

About how Dai found him on SNS:
Muramoto: 'Dai-chan found him on YouTube and was fascinated by him, saying, "Who is this boy? He fits Dai-chan's idea of a 'captivating skater' and he said he definitely wanted to invite him to the show".

Takahashi: I thought, 'Who is this? I looked him up, and after watching various performances I really wanted to invite him. I wanted to invite him in January, but I thought he was going to compete in the US Championships, so I didn't call on him. When I called on him this time, he was very surprised. But he said, 'I'm very happy that Daisuke, who is so far away, found me and invited me to the show'. I haven't seen him perform live yet, so I'm really looking forward to it.

The article these quotes are taken from is pretty interesting, giving some insight into the production and Dai's producer role. He selected most of the music for the group numbers including the opening + finale, chose the skaters and choreographers and told them what kind of "picture" and mood he envisioned for each program. He also selected the costumes and directed the lighting. Kana was responsible for arranging and editing the music again, which is something she used to do for their competitive programs too.

Part 1: https://gendai.media/articles/-/109796?imp=0
Part 2: https://gendai.media/articles/-/109797?imp=0

About the opening music ("The Flame Waits in the Yellow Spring" edit: the correct title in English is "The Ballade of Puppets" by Kenji Kawai from the anime "Ghost in the shell"), Dai said:

"I've been obsessed with this song since I was 18 and wanted to skate to it myself one day... It's four minutes long, so I didn't really get the chance, but I thought it would be cool to use it for the opening. When I talked to Kana-chan about it and asked her if she'd like to try it, she immediately arranged it for me and I was hooked."

Now I really wish Kana and Dai or Dai on his own would consider having an exhibition program choreographed to it. It's such an interesting, haunting piece of music.

Two weeks ago Kaitlyn Weaver also spoke about the show and her role as one of the choreographers in Anything GOE's vlog:

Kana and Dai advertising the show on the official ig account:

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Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
Here's very very nice article focused on Kana, who has pushed forward Japanese ice dance with Chris, then with Daisuke :) https://news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/sawadasatoko/20230511-00349042

That's a lovely article that pays great respect to Kana. (Had to use a vpn - I wish Yahoo Japan would unblock European countries again. *sigh* ) In the retirement-thread in The Edge, we discussed how Kana was often overlooked by the media. This article is a rare but welcome counterpoint to that. Thanks for posting the link, deedee!:thank:

The skate order for the upcoming shows starting tomorrow has been released - it's the same order as last time with a few "substitutions". The "ok" next to group no. 1-3 indicates that they may be filmed/photographed by the audience (which is not usually the case with Japanese ice shows):

Does anybody know what happened to Oleksandr though? Is he injured? I hope he and Adrienne didn't break up. 🙁


Promo clip on Live News Alpha - (I like Kana's and Dai's matching black nail polish 😊):

Dress rehearsal photos:

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Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
This hasn’t been mentioned here yet: The reason for Ice Explosion in Fukuoka is the reopening of the Ovision Ice Arena. Initially IE was to be performed only in Yokohama (in January) as has been the case with all of Dai’s shows in the past (Christmas on Ice, Hyoen, IE 2020). According to Dai “they” (presumably USM) were approached about the possibility of having Ice Explosion "inaugurate" (the actual reopening was already on 1 April) and advertise the renovated rink.


Next week Kana and Dai will perform alongside Kanako Murakami and Keiji Tanaka at the Rinkai Sports Center in Osaka on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, a facility Dai and other skaters have helped save by raising funds and participating in charity events. Tatsuki Machida will also be present, but won’t be performing.


”The Osaka Prefectural Rinkai Sports Centre was established in July 1972 as a facility for familiarisation and enjoyment of sports, and celebrated its 50th anniversary. To commemorate this, an ice show event will be held to express our gratitude to the citizens of Osaka Prefecture who have been using the facility for a long time, as well as to everyone across the country who has supported our fund-raising activities for earthquake resistance and renovation work (150 million yen) and our activities for the continuation of the facility.”

And it doesn’t stop there: This year Kana and Dai will be part of the “Friends on Ice”-cast again plus yesterday they were announced to perform at PIW in Saga City next month (they aleady did the PIW shows in Yokohama two weeks ago):



KanaDai's message:

I’m happy to see them being in so much demand as a dance couple! ❤️


Back to Ice Explosion. :cool:

Ice show produced by Daisuke Takahashi, who announced his retirement, in Fukuoka City”:

(includes another video from dress rehearsal)

Photo of Dai and David during dress rehearsal:

After the first three shows (of 6), there is already a ton of audience footage of the numbers that were allowed to be filmed (thanks so much for sharing everyone! :pray:):

Part of the IE-cast taking part in some sort of meme, led by “Ginjiro”, who seems to be a professional dancer and dance instructor, if I’m getting this right:

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Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
The guys were actually imitating rabbits during today’s matinee "Cyber-rabbit" performance – I love them :laugh::


This is what happens when a singles skater/ice dancer holds an ice show – you don’t only get jump, but also pattern battles after the finale. :cool: (Videos were all taken at the last show today. Tysm again to all kind fans for sharing!)

Hirokazu x Dai SBS 2A -> Kaitlyn x Massimo pattern -> Shun x Kazuki SBS 3A:

Shizuka x David layback Ina Bauer -> Sena x Sumitada SBS 3A -> Dai x Andrew pattern:

Dai x Andrew filmed from the opposite side (the poor photographer at 0:14 had to jump out of their path to save himself 😅):

Filmed from the upper ranks:

Different angle of Dai x Hirokazu:

When the choreographers’ names were called after the last show today, the entire cast joined in to do part of the respective choreographies (chaos supreme! :biggrin:)

Everyone attempting the Cyber-rabbit choreo:

Reenactment of the last scene of group no. 4:

Aaand Blackpink :dance3::

Dai and the cast bowing towards each other :bow::


Final speech:

Hugs between Dai and all cast members (Kana x Dai with their own special "greeting" ;)):



Kana filming Dai practicing 2A:


Kana: Takahashi Daisuke is back!
Dai: Back…not yet, not yet, not yet…

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Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
I want them to do a program together in next Ice Explosion.

Yes, they looked comfortable with each other with Dai assuming the role of the following partner pretty naturally (bonus for us fans: two handsome men dancing together - couldn't ask for more! 🤩)


Found these great videos on youtube (thank you, yusei seisato!)

Unholy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lXkpbYjsnQ

Cyber-rabbit + Blackpink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hA_oexxbBU

Cyber-rabbit (different day + different angle): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbO5ZzxdBAc

Farewell lap + high-fives (evening show on 13/05): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGNQm-xLpYs

Special high-fives :biggrin::

Happy cast: https://twitter.com/makimaki0514/status/1658032232219688965

After the shows Kaitlyn, Kanako, Dai and Kana went to the Christian Dior exhibition in Tokyo:

“A dreamy date with Dior (and other legends).”

Dai thanking everyone, who came to see the shows: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsTR1DRJHld/

Like last time, many cast members are posting photo dumps of IE, accompanied by words of affection and regret that the shows are over. Here are some (there were and are many more pictures and clips in the cast’s ig stories):

Kana: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsTcjTcRNTr/

„Ice Explosion in Fukuoka!

It's been a great week of rehearsals, reconnecting with everyone and having a lot of fun and memories with all the new members ✨.

And to think that I was able to debut as a professional skater in IE!

I was surrounded by happy space and wonderful skaters, produced a really great show & was super inspired to see how Dai-chan stuck to it until the very end! It was a time when I could think a lot of possibilities for future ice shows.


Yuka: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsTBXbJOtFI/

Juho: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsTeef6p5Qj/

Rinka: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsLipP9p7ph/

Kazuki: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsSTDT8ylsi/

Rika: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsTZm5SSNju/

Yura: https://twitter.com/Yuraxmin/status/1658474474994561025

Sena: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsThfkLp6G6/

Nagamitsu-sensei was there (of course)! ☺️

Seeing how much of a success IE 2023 was (with approx. 10.000 fans attending the shows in Shin-Yokohama + about the same amount in Fukuoka), I think the possibility is high that Dai will continue this format. :pray:

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Final Flight
Apr 27, 2011


Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
EDIT: Looks like Kaitlyn choreographed a program for them. I wonder when they are going to debut it. In PIW Saga, or THE ICE?

I hope they debut it at PIW. They’ve been building so much suspense! According to Kana it’s “a very special number” and Kaitlyn wrote in one of her ig stories that the program contains all kinds of "crazy ideas". I’m veeery intrigued to find out what those are and what genre of music they chose. Based on Kaitlyn's latest ig post it could be in the vein of street dance, maybe? 🤞 I’ll take anything that isn’t another love ballad tbh…sorry... 😳


I think it's a nice gesture that at the Rinkai Sports Centre’s 50th anniversary celebration, a short retirement ceremony was held for Kana and Daisuke. Keiji was able to return the favour of presenting Dai with a bouquet of flowers. Kana was presented hers by Kanako – love all the recent Kana Squared moments. :love:



I resurrected Dai’s fanfest for the new documentary “Daisuke Takahashi Last Dance of Age 37” since it is entirely focused on him.

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Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
Now that he’s retired, Dai is back to his hair experimentation ways (poor Chai-san probably had to use several bottles of bleach to achieve this extremely light shade – hopefully Dai’s hair won't fall out :eek:):

Kana and Dai held a skating class at the KOSE Shin-Yokohama Skate Center for about 90 primary school students, organized by their sponsor “Sky Court” (the picture above was taken at the accompanying press conference).

Report on nikkansports: https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/202305280001064.html

Sponichi report: https://www.sponichi.co.jp/sports/news/2023/05/28/kiji/20230528s00079000653000c.html

Photo report (showing that Hirokazu, Kohei, Marie and Kiki were there as well):

Teaching young ice dancers, Yuki Tsuchiya and Shinyu Takeuchi, how to do a couple spin:


Report by a spectator: https://twitter.com/D1sk_mylove/status/1662697643976572928

They did the “Conga” twizzle sequence – unfortunately Dai stumbled on the entry transition 😅:

A couple of clips on Quadruple Axel:



On the 27th my timeline was flooded with excited reports from fans, who witnessed Kana and Dai attending Mao’s beautiful “Beyond” tour as spectators in Niigata (both of them also posted pictures/clips before and after the show in their ig stories). Apparently Mao addressed them at the end and handed them a mic, asking them to comment on the show (she asks audience members to describe their impressions at the end of each show).


Mao: "Usually at this time of the day we listen to the guests' impressions, but today we have big guests! Kana-chan and Dai-chan!"

There was a scream of joy in the audience.

Dai-chan: "BEYOND is the best! Mao is the best!"


Mao to KanaDai: “'Thank you for your hard work, Kana-chan and Dai-chan, now that you two are going pro, I hope we can both keep figure skating and entertainment alive for each other!


Mao's comment at the end, "Dai-chan and I often had the same competitions, and we were important friends who fought on the field."


The 12th June issue of AERA will feature Kana and Dai on the cover again, as well as a 6-page photo spread/interview. The photos were taken by Mika Ninagawa (as always for this magazine).


Looking forward to this since I really liked their last photoshoot for AERA.



Video of the press conference after the skating lesson in Shin-Yokohama:

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Gold for the Winter Prince!
Record Breaker
Jan 23, 2004
Oh Dai what have you done to your hair. :oops: As a long time fan I have seen many, many
different color and hair styles on Dai and I get it he likes to change it up, but for me this
color change does him no favors.

Thanks syn for all the updates, Kanadai have been busy. 😊